Welcome to - Indraprastham Agro Producer Company Ltd.

The company intend to inspire the agro producers to regain the lost glory by providing necessary inputs like providing quality seeds via hybrid and high yielding varieties with encouraging use of scientific and organic farming methods, creating awareness among them and the endless possibility of diversifying the products to capture the market apart from the traditional ones.

Who we are


Indraprastham Agro Producer Company is a farmer and Primary Produce Company incorporated under The Companies Act 1956 & The Companies Act 2013.

What we do


To carry on the business of processing including preserving, drying, distilling, brewing, vinting, canning, packaging, branding, brand development and marketing of primary produce .

Our Products


We provides Quality seeds, natural fertilizers and insecticides, Fresh Farm Organic Vegetables & Cereals.

Research & Publications


To carry on and rendering Training, Research and development and all other activities for the promotion of the interests of its members.